1 "On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages" -- talk by Shriram Krishnamurthi [PWLConf 2019] (www.youtube.com) 6 points by soegaard 1761 days ago
2 Why Racket? Interview with Racketeer, Jay McCarthy - CodeSpells (www.youtube.com) 5 points by soegaard 1368 days ago
3 A Racket Perspective on Research, Education, and Production - Matthew Flatt (www.youtube.com) 5 points by soegaard 1701 days ago
4 Racket Hacking: Declarative GUIs - Bogdan Popa (www.youtube.com) 5 points by soegaard 1091 days ago
5 A Transient Semantics for Typed Racket (www.youtube.com) 5 points by bogdan 835 days ago
6 Racket Web Development: koyo 0.9 - Bogdan Popa (www.youtube.com) 5 points by soegaard 1092 days ago
7 Building Web Services with Racket - Luis Quintanilla, Content Developer, Microsoft (www.youtube.com) 5 points by soegaard 1228 days ago
8 dbg: a remote debugging/monitoring tool for Racket apps (www.youtube.com) 5 points by bogdan 1026 days ago
9 Videos from RacketFest 2021 (www.youtube.com) 5 points by soegaard 1215 days ago
10 Making poetry with Racket Come and see how to make Poems that are also Code - Jérôme Martin (www.youtube.com) 5 points by soegaard 725 days ago
11 The Racket Lang YouTube channel (www.youtube.com) 5 points by soegaard 1761 days ago
12 Oculus Connect 2: Live Coding Session with John Carmack (Racket session starts at 6:50) (www.youtube.com) 5 points by soegaard 1761 days ago
13 Scheme 2021 - Graphite: A Library for Data Visualization (Lightning Talk) (www.youtube.com) 4 points by soegaard 1033 days ago
14 Racket Web Development with Koyo (YT Screencast) (www.youtube.com) 4 points by pmatos 995 days ago
15 RacketCon 2021 - Qi, A Functional, Flow oriented DSL - Sid Kasivajhula (www.youtube.com) 4 points by soegaard 824 days ago
16 The Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop 2022 [playlist] (www.youtube.com) 4 points by soegaard 652 days ago
17 Purely Functional 3D in Typed Racket - Neil Toronto (www.youtube.com) 4 points by soegaard 1656 days ago
18 Tail Call Optimization: The Musical - Anjana Vakil and Natalia Margolis (www.youtube.com) 4 points by soegaard 1228 days ago
19 Sam Tobin-Hochstadt on Composable and Compilable Macros (www.youtube.com) 4 points by soegaard 1211 days ago
20 Purely Functional 3D in Typed Racket (RacketCon) - Neil Toronto (www.youtube.com) 4 points by soegaard 1731 days ago
21 Delimited Continuations, Demystified - Alexis King (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 393 days ago
22 Keynote: From Scheme to Typed Racket - Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 446 days ago
23 Pollen, Textpattern, and Websites as books - Joel Dueck (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1307 days ago
24 Introduction to Typed Racket - Mark Farrell (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 446 days ago
25 COMP 524 (spring '21) - OOP with Inheritance in Racket, part 1 - Jeff Terrell (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1228 days ago
26 Robby Findler: Concolic Testing with Higher-Order Inputs (www.youtube.com) 3 points by pmatos 1498 days ago
27 COMP 524 (spring '21) - OOP with Inheritance in Racket, part 2 - Jeff Terrell (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1228 days ago
28 An Introduction to Racket GUIs - Andres Ramos (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1695 days ago
29 Quick Demo of Racket Sequencer - De Jonge (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1524 days ago
30 Matthew Flatt: Continuation Marks: Design and Implementation (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 930 days ago
31 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Chapter 2.3 (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1480 days ago
32 From Scheme to Typed Racket - Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 790 days ago
33 Why Racket? Interview with Racketeer, Jay McCarthy - CodeSpells (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1173 days ago
34 Continuation Marks: Design and Implementation - Matthew Flatt (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1457 days ago
35 Compiler and Runtime Support for Continuation Marks [video] - Matthew Flatt, R. Kent Dybvig (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1498 days ago
36 Let’s Build a Hygienic Macro Expander! - Matthew Flatt - PLSE Seminar Series (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 172 days ago
37 [PADL'23] Modern Macros - Robby Findler (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 490 days ago
38 Terminal Phase: terminal-based space shooter (live development preview) (www.youtube.com) 3 points by soegaard 1642 days ago
39 An FFI between Gambit Scheme and CPython - Marc-André Bélanger and Marc Feeley (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 653 days ago
40 Syntax Templates in Racket - Ryan Culpepper (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1741 days ago
41 Scheme Workshop Keynote: Andy Keep (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1735 days ago
42 Language-Oriented Programming with Racket - Matthias Felleisen (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1610 days ago
43 Pollen Time #3: Github links - Joel Dueck (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1473 days ago
44 Stories about Computation: Folds in Functional Programming - Kristopher Micinski (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1480 days ago
45 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Chapter 2.4 (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1473 days ago
46 Deep and Shallow Types (thesis defense) - Ben Greenman (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1306 days ago
47 An Introduction to the Racket Programming Language - Gavin Freeborn (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1302 days ago
48 Clotho: A Racket Library for Parametric Randomness (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1300 days ago
49 Scheme for scientific computing Scheme 2020 - Francesco Montanari (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1291 days ago
50 A conversation with Dan Friedman - Featuring Sussman, Byrd, Wand and more (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1291 days ago
51 How to Evaluate Blame for Gradual Types (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1075 days ago
52 How to Design Co-Programs - Jeremy Gibbons (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 1074 days ago
53 Olin Shivers: Anatomy of a Loop [presentation] (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 710 days ago
54 Macros part 1 of 3 - Jeff Terrell (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 817 days ago
55 Racket - A programming language for programming programming languages - Redd and Lugt (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 824 days ago
56 Racket Hacking: SwiftUI + Racket -- Bogdan Popa (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 704 days ago
57 Macro-embedding Compiler Intermediate Languages in Racket - William J. Bowman (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 653 days ago
58 Automating the Design Recipe [Scheme'22] (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 653 days ago
59 A look across the pond: a comparison between GHC and Racket compilation models - Alexis King (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 652 days ago
60 RacketCon 2022 - Playlist (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 618 days ago
61 Racket commercials (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 637 days ago
62 William Clinger: Compiler Optimization for Symbolic Languages 1987 (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 490 days ago
63 A Modern Implementation of the Common Lisp LOOP Macro - Robert Strandh (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 471 days ago
64 Keynote: Delimited Continuations, Demystified by Alexis King | Lambda Days 2023 (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 385 days ago
65 A look across the pond: a comparison between GHC and Racket compilation models - Alexis King (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 316 days ago
66 Continuations on the Web and in your OS (2013) - Jay McCarthy (www.youtube.com) 2 points by soegaard 267 days ago
67 RacketLogger: Logging and Visualising Changes in DrRacket (www.youtube.com) 1 points by soegaard 1 day ago
68 How Racket Went Meta (2017) - Matthew Flatt (www.youtube.com) 1 points by soegaard 1 day ago
69 Programming is (should be) fun! [Scheme '22] - Gerald Jay Sussman (www.youtube.com) 1 points by soegaard 565 days ago
70 Building Web Services with Racket - Luis Quintanilla (www.youtube.com) 1 points by soegaard 195 days ago
71 Continuation Marks: Design and Implementation - Matthew Flatt (www.youtube.com) 1 points by soegaard 607 days ago
72 Racket: A Programming-Language Programming Language - Robby Findler - YOW! 2015 (www.youtube.com) 1 points by soegaard 569 days ago